About us

About us

"Think green, design smart". This is our methodology of work to find environmental-friendly smart engineering solutions. We implement CFD, FEA, BIM and other technologies to design smart systems. Then, the business management solutions (BPR, TQM, Lean 6-sigama) are built to interpret the engineered system into applicable real-life system. We start from feasibility study, to engineering solution, to management system, to complete implementation and evolution. We build a strong network of diverse engineering, industrial, and business management academic experts. Innovation for environment is our main target.



"Think green, design smart". This is our methodology of work to find environmental-friendly smart engineering solutions.

R&D Projects

R&D process is the backbone of business advantage. Our network of academic and market researchers supply the suitable solutions of client's problem.

Computational Engineering

Computational fluid mechanics (CFD), finite element analisys, and other comptational tools are our tools of modeling

Environmental Design

Design of environment-friendly systems is our main aim; waste management, water treatment, biofilters, ...etc.

Building Information Modeling

The implementation of BIM in utility design requires the creation of new workflow that facilitates the work and exploits the new software tools.

Business Process Reengineering

BPR carries out dramatic improvements of critical measure of our clients' business. IT and new technologies besides lean six-sigma thinking are implemented to new systems.

Industry Economics

Our solutions are implemented in real-life industrial and engineering systems. We accompany our client from the process design to the final operable system.

Our latest news

We've published a paper in the BIM2021 conference of Wessex Institute of Technology. The paper is entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTODESK REVIT® IN DESIGN OF WATER TREATMENT PLANTS"

Our paper

Why Choose Us


We start from feasibility study, to engineering solution, to management system, to complete implementation and evaluation.

Our Introductory Video

Learn more about us, its only 30 sec.

Our Works


We build a strong network of diverse engineering, industrial, and business management academic experts. Innovation for environment is our main target.

Environmental Axes of Work


Mother Earth is the future of our children. Innovate the environment-friendly systems merging engineering and business.

Water Technology

Water technologies represent one of the important pillars of our life. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) aim to achieve a better future for all and call for universal access to clean water. The personal daily need of fresh potable water varies around the globe. Every person needs at least 20 -50 liters of safe, clean water a day to drink, to cook with and to bathe.

AdViridis works in the spectrum of works related to water technologies. Our experience include the different layers of:

  • • Potable water treatment plants
  • • Sewage water treatment plants
  • • Distribution networks
  • • Storm water networks
  • • Irrigation systems
  • • Pumping stations

Our designs implement different technologies starting from coagulation and flocculation, to sedimentation, to micro- and ultra-filtration, dynamic filters, to disinfection. In the domain of wastewater treatment, we implement extended aeration, SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor), and MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor). One of our main concerns of design is the effectiveness and smartness of water plants and distribution network to achieve the green city goals.

Water treatment plant

Overview of a water treatment plant

Waste (Resources) Management

Referring to Global Waste Management Outlook (UNEP), waste or garbage is no longer viewed as unwanted or discarded materials ‘rejected as useless, unneeded or excess to requirements’. Waste materials are regarded as renewable source. In order to get the maximum benefits of these materials and to minimize their impact on the environment, waste materials are classified into:

  • • Nonhazardous Wastes
  • • Hazardous Wastes
  • • Liquid Wastes
  • • Asbestos Containing Waste (ACW)
  • • Designated Wastes
  • • Special Wastes

AdViridis and its partners focus on the innovative technologies of waste collection, segregation, transportation, separation, and recycling. Our main target market is Africa, MENA, and South-East Asia regions as the majority of the world’s 50 biggest active dumpsites that have been profiled by the Waste Atlas Partnership are located in these regions. Our engineering designs considers the household-waste and industrial waste as resources obeying the concepts of circular economy.

Ventilation and biofilter

Ventilation and biofilter design of residential waste collection station

Clean Energy

The concept of “clean energy” involves the energy generation based on renewable and zero-emission sources that do not pollute the atmosphere when used. The 7th, 8th, and 9th of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) involve affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation and infrastructure. Regenerative development is about building the capacity and capability in people, communities, and other natural systems to renew, evolve, and thrive ( Center for Living Environments and Regeneration.).

AdViridis considers the axis of design of energy systems as one of its fields of excellence comprising:

  • • Design of energy systems based on clean and renewable sources like solar cells, wind energy, Hydrogen and fuel cells, hydrodynamic energy, and bioenergy.
  • • Regenerative real-life systems that integrate different sub-systems efficiently enhancing circular economy concepts.
  • • Smart integrated solutions that implement high level of measurement and control of the multi-disciplinary systems. The concepts of smart cities, smart homes, robust control, and Internet of Things IoT, and Internet of Energy IoE are employed.

We have already applied these concepts in the design of combined farm that integrates crops, livestock, and a biogas reactor. Also, we implemented for water desalination unit based on Hydrogen cell.

Ventilation and biofilter

Chemical dosing unit


Faster Growth


R&D Projects


Years of Experience


Active Business Projects

Modelling and Computational Engineering

Modelling & Design

“Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it.” Sir Henry Royce

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Flow

CFD is a computational method based on numerical analysis of fluid flow. The Finite Volume Method FVM is implemented to discretize the fluid and numerical methods are used to find out the fluid and flow physical quantities like velocity, pressure, density, … etc. along time. This type of analysis is essential for the systems that involve complex fluid flow or behaviour in many applications; water treatment, oil and gas, food industries, …etc.

In AdViridis , CFD represents one of our axes of excellence as we have highly qualified engineers with long experience. We implement CFD in most of our projects.


Velocity profile

Finite Element Analisys
Structural Analisys

FEA is a very popular numerical method used to solve wide variety of real-life problems in different fields like structure design, electromagnetic field, dentistry, medical devices and many others. The method is based on the discretization of the geometrical space into nodes and elements and to construct the proper matrices that represent the physical phenomena and then solve them numerically.

AdViridis considers FEA as the backbone of the design and analysis of the different systems. With a well-qualified team of experts, we have carried out a lot of projects in steel industries, waste management, piping analysis and many other fields.


Discretization of branched pipe

Fluid-Structure interaction

Real-life problems involve the presence of complexity and non-linearity. Some of these complex problem lead to Fluid-structure interaction (FSI). FSI is a multiphysics coupling between the fluid dynamics and structural mechanics. This phenomenon is characterized by interactions between a deformable or moving structure and a surrounding or internal fluid flow. Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) problems are common and critical in many technical applications, such as wind turbines, aircraft, injection systems or pumps.

AdViridis has excellent experience and tools dealing with this type of problems. We applied FSI analysis in valve design, pump design, unmanned light aircraft, and piping hammer analyses.


Pressure transmitted from fluid to structure

Explicit dynamics
Dynamics of Bodies

“Implicit” and “Explicit” refer to two types of time integration methods used to perform dynamic simulations. Explicit time integration is more accurate and efficient for simulations involving, shock wave, large deformations and strains, hyperelastic behaviour, complex contact, fragmentation,non-linear buckling.

In AdViridis , explicit dynamics analysis is implemented for two main categories of problems: complex contact problems like penetration and crash, and large deformation problems like boat or airbag inflation.


Impact of rubber annulus on fluid bed

Multi-Phase Flow

Multiphase flows are of great interest to a large variety of industries. The power generation, nuclear reactor technology, food production, chemical process, aerospace and automotive industries are all driving forces in this complex field. Multiphase flows may comprise various states of matter, e.g., gas and solid in fluidisation; gas and liquid in bubble column; and gas, liquid, and solid in airlift slurry bed. They are present in nature and a wide range of engineering applications.

AdViridis has already implemented the multiphase flow analysis in the problems of odour control system, chlorine concentration analysis, and viscoelastic flows.


Chlorine concetration using VOF model

Building Information Modelling

Building Information Modeling is a collaborative process for the planning, design, construction and management of a building. It’s the Idea of Exchanging Data using Standards. Ideally, the BIM process utilizes a centralized digital 3D model of the building (BIM model) as its core resource.

AdViridis has an excellent professional team of BIM engineers who elaborated a lot of complicated projects like hospitals, factories, and schools. Recently, we implemented BIM in the design of water treatment plants and we have published a paper in BIM 2021 conference.


Modelling of RO desalination plant using AUTODESK REVIT®

Smart electromechanical systems
Smart Systems

The use of electromechanical, or mechatronic, solutions in automated industrial systems continues to grow. This technology is developed via multidisciplinary branches of engineering with focus on both electrical and mechanical systems to create a complete integrated design. Emphasis has expanded to include combinations of robotics, electronics, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems and controls.

AdViridis make the most of smart thinking in the designs like smart home, monitoring systems, foldable complicated geometries and smart irrigation systems.


Foldable Icosahedron Form with Trihedral faces

Industrial Management Systems

Management & Economics

“Organize around business functions, not people. Build systems within each business function. Let systems run the business and people run the systems. People come and go but the systems remain constant” Michael Gerber

Comprehensive Feasibility Studies

By the word “comprehensive”, we mean that the feasibility study includes: technical, engineering, administrative, environmental, legal, and financial aspects of the projects. We walk with our clients hand-in-hand from the raw idea of the investment towards the realized operating systems.

AdViridis has elaborated many feasibility studies in different fields like factories, poultry farms, integrated livestock farms, medical centers, commercial centers, transportation planning and market studies, strategic business planning.


Economic indices of a steel works factory

Business Process Reengineering

By definition, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) involves the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed. Also, Lean Six Sigma is a fact-based, data-driven philosophy of improvement that values defect prevention over defect detection. It drives customer satisfaction and bottom-line results by reducing variation, waste, and cycle time, while promoting the use of work standardization and flow, thereby creating a competitive advantage. It applies anywhere variation and waste exist, and every employee should be involved.

In AdViridis , we make the most of the modern management techniques to achieve business advantage. We have already implemented BPR in many projects in ceramic factory, pharmaceutical factory, hospital management system, and other applications. Recently, we applied BPR to an engineering company and published our experience in BIM 2021 conference.


BPMN map of internal evaluation process

Get In Touch



2nd Floor, College House, 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK





+44 20 31 37 95 98

+33 6 12 98 46 94

+20 10 669 11 828